Saturday, August 7, 2021

It's always something

 Roseanne Rosannnadanna likely brings back memories for my older friends; those classic Saturday Night Live had me ROFL (before we turned everything to initials).

This past week has had plenty of moments ripe for Roseanne's diatribes. On Wednesday, th nurses informed us the city of Englewood (where this Swedish Hospital lives) had found e.coli in the drinking water.

Okaaaay, the exultant shower I'd enjoyed Monday was suddenly a threat to my embattled immune system. Seems the city found the bacteria in a routine monthly check on the first Monday. WHAT? They only check once every month??? 

Bottled water and hand sanitizer to the rescue... 

Then we learned our new neighborhood was seal-coating the roads over the next few weeks, requiring cars to be off the streets all day and leaving a pervasive rotten-egg smell. Trapped in your house with noxious air makes another week in the hospital seem like a vacation!

Vacation or not, the 300sf room is losing its appeal, and this morning's talk with the oncologist tarnished that even more and dashed my hopes to be home before my son leaves for college.

I know they want to be extra careful -- allowing time to see how my body responded to the treatment (the more pleasant word for chemo) and ensuring that I am in  good place to receive any additional antibiotics or blood products and, of course, avoid outside infection.

Still, part of keeping up my spirits was the thought of my husband, kids and I gathered around a table enjoying each other as adults. Even with the rotten-egg smell.

1 comment:

Eileen H said...

It is always something! But glad you have such a dedicated team looking out for you. And who would have thought that sealing the roads would have any impact on your treatment? Things one would never think are interconnected. Take good care! Ans hoping you will be sitting around that table soon.