Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Home, sweet home

 Ah, a full night's sleep in my own bed. After a yummy dinner prepared by my daughter. I must be dreaming.

After the nightmare that was my hospital discharge, that is.

I signed the release papers at 12:21 p.m. and we drove away at 4:49. All because of our screwy insurance system.

Prescriptions for medications I would need in coming weeks were initially sent to the pharmacy near my home, but the nurses wanted to make sure I left with everything I'd need so they transferred the prescriptions to the Walgreens in the hospital. OK, that'd be easier, after all.

But insurance needed a "prior authorization" for one of the meds, meaning they wouldn't pay. To the rescue comes my case manager with a coupon allowing a 30-day supply. 

Oh, but the pharmacy doesn't have one of the meds. They want me to call around and see where I might find it. The charge nurse who has dealing with this calls the home pharmacy and transfers all the meds back there.

But wait, I had already paid the copay at the hospital pharmacy. More confusion ensues and hours tick by as I'm all packed and more than ready to go.

Finally, the hospital pharmacy packs up all but two of my meds and we are instructed to pick up the other two at our home pharmacy.

The bright light in the midst is the lovely nursing staff pops in with a balloon bouquet thanking me for letting them care for me! What an amazing group of dedicated professionals I was blessed to be with...

Now, in rush-hour traffic, we head home. And, of course, the local pharmacy has only a two-day supply of one medication....

Nonetheless, it's great to be home.

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