Tuesday, January 11, 2022


I am soooo confused. Today's appointment seemed a slam dunk: Labs, discussion of the blood sugar issues and a visit with a physician's assistant.

So, when said PA sat down with a morose look, I was taken quite aback. She seemed to be saying that the blood work and biopsy indicated the transplant did not work.  The donor cells are not fighting the leukemia.

How could this be true? I went into the transplant with full remission.But cancer cells are sneaky little devils and mine particularly so.

There will be more tests and the return of a chemo drug, but most likely I will have to live with this disease until I can't.

The news seems to change from one lab draw to the next, but I cannot believe they would have told me this shocking news if they did not believe it to be fully true.

So, I guess it's time for the bucket list....

1 comment:

Joan Oyler said...

If anyone can kick cancer’s butt, it’s you!