I do not know how I could have gotten things so wrong. It's not the end of the road but just more .uncertainty and tests to see what is really happening in my body.
At my clinic visit on Tuesday, I was pretty sure I was told my transplant had not really taken, and there were leukemic cells replicating. Morose faces saying "we're sorry" from physcisan assisstant, transplant coordinator and even a social worker.
Today with the doctor it was much more hopeful, while still being unclear. We just need more time to let the donor cells work. There are stil many twists and turns thngs could take, but it s not OVER.
To manage all this, I'll be on lots of meds for a while. The worst is steroids, which cause high blood sugar so I'm learning the ropes of insulin management. My poor fingers are dotted with pinpricks but that should be short lived.
And sleeplessness is a hallmark so I often lie awake thinking about all the what ifs and trying to control the future.
At least there is one...
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