Like the triumphs, upsets, disappointments and amazing moments of the 2021 Olympics, this leukemia journey has followed the path of the unexpected, awe-inspiring and just a little upsetting.
Today, as we discussed when I might be released (Aug. 16, cross your fingers), the oncologist mentioned that it would not be the end. I will have to continue with chemotherapy, on an outpatient basis.
This is not a cold that goes away. Even the big, bad drugs cannot kill it forever.
Suffice it to say, that threw me for a loop.
Somehow I thought I would do my time in the hospital and come out on the other side as before. July/August 2021 was the sick month. Turn the page to September and I'll be right as rain. I almost even booked a flight to Texas for a reunion of girlfriends on Labor Day.
Nope. The road may be a little longer than I thought it would be, but it's not a dead end.
1 comment:
Your Mah Jongg friends are looking forward to you coming home, because we NEED you! Our in-person games seem to be running up against various roadblocks and we’re slowly sliding back to the old online games … so we’ll be waiting for you!
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