Casa Leftwich picked up and moved to the very picturesque town of Evergreen a few months ago. Several of the roads around the Western Denver suburb are seriously challenging, with road signs showing multiple curves so that you can't be sure if it is warning of the road or potential snakes ahead...
So it occurs to me that those signs could also be indicative of my life. I've twisted and turned from Woodward-Bernstein -inspired journalist to freelancer -mom to natural chef. I was poised to jump back into that role when Life threw me another curve.
Serious health issues have a way of doing that. And I got a whopper last week with an out-of-the-blue diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Myriad tests, scans and medications have filled the week since I hit the hospital. I had pneumonia and a blood clot in one leg, and the biopsy details for some reason were sent to me, not the doctor. Yesterday,the oncologist actually took a picture of the report on my phone then scurried off to the lab to give the info to those creating my treatment...
But we got it now, and I have great confidence in my team, especially Chris Benton, a native Texan who trained at MD Anderson but had the wisdom to relocate to Colorado!
They'll be showing up soon with a three- phase regimen: oral meds, IV infusion and a few shots. There's no way to know how I'll react but the people have seen and taken care of it all.
With their help and good thoughts of my huge contingent of family and friends, I am sure I will come out of this ordeal in top form.
I'll try to keep you updated here so you can check whence you want to see what's going on. I'm stuck in bed so my brain comes up with all sorts of stuff. Having the Olympics on TV should provide great distraction so stay tuned for my unique insights.
I am so glad you will be writing again. You will come through this with flying colors! We love you and stand ready to do everything in our power to help you return to good health. Onward.
Kathy, you’re an AML warrior! Kick leukemia’s butt🥊
Kathy, you are a warrior and we stand with you praying for you to have God's strength, God's comfort and God's healing touch on your life. Praying for your amazing doctors who just "happen to be in Colorado." If we can send anything to help, please let us know. I know flowers are forbidden right now, but we send good cheer. Much love! Sally
Glad you are giving us all a way to follow your progress. ��
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