Monday, February 21, 2022

Winding down

 The Olympics are over, but my leukemia journey continues. 

I was diagnosed in July when the Summer Games dominated the airwaves. At the time, I drew some parallels to the struggle of athletes and my body to fight this invader. 

And now, as the Winter Games wind down, so goes my fight. Weekly lab tests indicate no bad cells, and the team is weaning me off many of the 18 medications I once took to combat the assorted effects of chemo, radiation and a new immune system. 

All goes well. I got to get my new Covid vaccine (since the above treatments wiped out the first one). No side effects! I love this new immune system! 

The true test will be the next biopsy, probably in late March, so let's keep our fingers crossed for no sign of mean ol' leukemia cells.

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